Fifty Shades of Something Else
Speaker – Gavin Lake
In some respects, this is a continuation of A Railway Rainbow, which was presented in 2023, but with a completely different twist. Here we focus more on some of the most unusual liveries and moreover the strange and bizarre subjects depicted on locomotives and multiple units, including helicopters, Spitfires, Lancaster Bombers, soldiers, James Bond, container ships, reindeer, penguins, Father Christmas, maps, compasses and even face masks!
All presentations are held in the Roundhouse lecture theatre commencing at 19.30 and finishing between 21.45 and 22.00. Doors open at 19.00.
Presentations are held on the third Thursday of every month unless otherwise indicated.
Hot and cold drinks are available from the buffet before 19.30 and during the interval.
Admission is normally £3.00 for members and £5.00 for non-members.
Free parking on site.
Gavin Lake