The Recreation of LMS Ivatt Diesel 10000
*Please note date is 2nd Thursday of the month
Speaker – Derek Payne
The Ivatt Diesel Recreation Society was formed in 2011 with the aim of building, exhibiting and operating a recreation of LMS loco 10000. The original was designed by H G Ivatt and built by the LMS at Derby Works, in association with English Electric. Featuring an EE 1600hp diesel engine, generator and electrics, 10000 was outshopped on 8th December 1947. 10000 and its sister loco, 10001, were the first successful main line diesel locomotives built in Britain and set the shape of UK diesel traction for decades to come. 10000 ran until 1963 and was scrapped in 1968. Tonight’s show will look at the project from the start and follow progress to date.
All presentations are held in the Roundhouse lecture theatre commencing at 19.30 and finishing between 21.45 and 22.00. Doors open at 19.00.
Presentations are held on the third Thursday of every month unless otherwise indicated.
Hot and cold drinks are available from the buffet before 19.30 and during the interval.
Admission is normally £3.00 for members and £5.00 for non-members.
Free parking on site.
Derek Payne